Madison Ballet’s ‘Midsummer’ finds fantasy in the Delafield woods

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“Near the end of the second act of Madison Ballet’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” my eye strays offstage. Visible in the wings is a frolic of fairies, their wispy dresses in watery shades of blue. The color reminds me of the clouds I’d noticed an hour or so earlier, just before the sun set. 

The dissonance of tutus and toe shoes under the stars can make a person philosophical. As the duke and his bride move elegantly through each turn and lift, I keep thinking about those girls in the wings, and how whenever things seem perfect, there’s a little wildness on the edges. Just offstage, a touch of chaos.

It does seem to fit the circumstances that led the ballet here, to a state forest in Delafield.”

Read the full story here.

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